So, for lunch yesterday, I didn't know what to have. So, I remembered this recipe I had made up a bit ago, and made it(just to tell you this isn't my WHOLE lunch I ate some other random things too)! It is a very easy thing to cook and you can use it as a appetizer or as a side dish to a lunch , too! The dish is...
Bread Dipped in Olive Oil-y Sauce
Here's How You Make it:
Cut a loaf of Italian/Country (what I suggest the types) bread into biggish square-ish pieces. Put about 4 dollops of olive oil in a bowl. Chop up a clove of garlic. Find 4 leaves of rosemary. Cut a lemon in half. Squeeze the juice into the olive oil. Put the rosemary leaves in the olive oil. Put the garlic in the olive oil. Let it sit there for 10 minutes. When 10 minutes is done you can EAT!!!
By now you have probably realized that... i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv garlic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That sauce seems soooo good!