Thursday, December 3, 2009
Recommended FOOD!!! YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY... (#3)
Cheerios as you all probably know are little wheat cereal pieces looking like tan donuts! They are amazing! I eat them all the time! Especially when I am sick (like i am know) because they are soooooooooooo good for you and they make you feel better! I suggest you eat them!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tips for: Scrambled Eggs
I am good at cooking scrambled eggs, so I want to show you a couple tips on how to make them taste delicious!
#1 Don't Overcook Them. This one of the most simple tips, but I always overcook them. When you cook them for to long they become hard, and yucky!
#2 When you have cooked them until they are starting to take form, turn off the heat. By that point you have made the frying pan hot enough that when you turn off the heat, the pan will still be hot!
#3 Cook them in TONS of butter! Even if your not a fan of butter... it makes them taste amazing!
Those are my tips!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Butter is a ESSENTIAL ingredient, and is REQUIRED to be in EVERY chefs kitchen. But, da problemo is that many butters are not CORRECT and must be DELETED!!! So, I made this check-mark list for you to COMPLETE and if your brand of butter DOES NOT fit the requirements well... something will have to be done...
Fill in the blanks with a check-mark or X (in your mind, don't draw on the screen!)
#1 Salty! Every butter MUST be salty to be good (EXTRA SALT IS SUPERB!) _________
#2 Organic! Organic-ness is very important! ____________
#3 Yellow! I know it sounds crazy but butter has to be yellow, if you have white butter there shall be CONSEQUENCES! __________
Here is the best butter brand ever!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Frying Food
Hey peoples!
Frying food is a great way to cook. I fry a lot my recipes.
Though, frying is hard. And you have to have the right ingredients!
If you are reading a recipe, it will probably tell you what to fry the ________ in!
But, anyway here are the main things you can fry food in!
OIL (of any type)
I love olive oil. It just taste so good!
Hey peoples!
Frying food is a great way to cook. I fry a lot my recipes.
Though, frying is hard. And you have to have the right ingredients!
If you are reading a recipe, it will probably tell you what to fry the ________ in!
But, anyway here are the main things you can fry food in!
OIL (of any type)
I love olive oil. It just taste so good!
Add Ons...
Your gonna here me say this a lot.
They're a big pain in da butt. But, when you do the right ones, with the right meat, or veggie, or fruit, they can be WONDERFUL! or terrible... Though basically add ons are great.
Now, you might be someone who has NO idea what add ons are. So, keep reading and I shall explain.
Add ons can be many things. They could be herbs, wines, GARLIC, pepper, GARLIC, cheese, spices or even GARLIC! You might of seen that my favorite add on is GARLIC, but everyones taste is different. These are just examples there are many more.
Add ons are very important in any recipe. They create endless opportunities and possibilities! They make food have pazzaz!
I am a very picky eater. The only meat I truly eat is chicken (if you don't include calamari!). So, many of the recipes I have shared with you are chicken recipes! But the thing is, I can't just serve fried chicken, roast chicken, grilled chicken, boiled chicken, I have to put in ADD ONS!
You will see these add ons in many recipes and I advise you to try them:
White Wine
Cheese (Gouda)
There are many ADD ONS in the world over time you will learn new ones and taste new ones.
Your gonna here me say this a lot.
They're a big pain in da butt. But, when you do the right ones, with the right meat, or veggie, or fruit, they can be WONDERFUL! or terrible... Though basically add ons are great.
Now, you might be someone who has NO idea what add ons are. So, keep reading and I shall explain.
Add ons can be many things. They could be herbs, wines, GARLIC, pepper, GARLIC, cheese, spices or even GARLIC! You might of seen that my favorite add on is GARLIC, but everyones taste is different. These are just examples there are many more.
Add ons are very important in any recipe. They create endless opportunities and possibilities! They make food have pazzaz!
I am a very picky eater. The only meat I truly eat is chicken (if you don't include calamari!). So, many of the recipes I have shared with you are chicken recipes! But the thing is, I can't just serve fried chicken, roast chicken, grilled chicken, boiled chicken, I have to put in ADD ONS!
You will see these add ons in many recipes and I advise you to try them:
White Wine
Cheese (Gouda)
There are many ADD ONS in the world over time you will learn new ones and taste new ones.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Strawberry Sandwich
Butter Bella Original Butter. All you have to do is take one of the cookies ice it in clotted cream, and add as many strawberries as possible. Take another cookie and place it on top of the strawberries. It is a useful recipe if you need a quick dessert for many or little!
P.S Clotted cream can be a little hard to find - it's from England. But Whole Foods sells it in little glass jars in the cheese department (don't know why it's in the cheese department, it doesn't taste like cheese at all)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Marinaded Chicken in Awesome Sauce!!!
This is a great meal!!! My mum had the idea to make it. It is actually made out of the sauce in the post: "Bread Dipped In Olive-Oily Sauce" because I marinaded the chicken in the sauce!!! Now, I had the chicken with rice but, you can have it with whatever you want on the side!!!
Here's how you make it:
Make the sauce first. Get a bowl and put a quarter of a cup of olive oil in it. Get 12 leaves of rosemary and put them in. Chop up 2 cloves of garlic and put them in. Put in the juice of half a lemon. Put 2 chicken breasts in a ziploc plastic bag. Pour the sauce in the bag. Keep there for at least 2-3 hours. Put the chicken in a baking dish surrounded by the sauce. Cook in the stove at 375 degrees for half an hour. When done put on a plate and pour the sauce on the chicken.
Homemade Original Italian Pizza!!!
I made this awesome pizza nights ago!!! It tasted amazing!!!! Everything was homemade except the dough. The dough was really good (you can buy it at whole foods)!!! You can really taste the things I added on to the recipe!!! Now, there is something quite strange about this pizza, I hate tomato sauce so, I only put the tiniest amount on it!!!
Here's how you make it:
Knead the dough for 10-15 minutes make it in to a circle. Pinch the edges to make the crust. Spread olive oil all over the dough. Sprinkle greek oregano on the dough. Put small amounts of tomato sauce on. Put lots and lots of cheese on. Add some more greek oregano on to the cheese. Cook the pizza at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.
Spaghetti with Herbs!!!
Hey dudes!!!
So, sorry I have not posted in awhile I kind of am in this situation right now...
This is a meal I had a bit ago , it was quite good so I'll rate it about *** stars out of 6. The story of this meal is basically, I was going to have plain pasta for dinner one night when I thought that maybe I could add some flavor to the meal, so I did. Firstly I added olive oil and then some herbs.
Here's how you make it:
Now I'm assuming you know how to make pasta... but if not here's how: Boil some water put in the pasta 'till it's cooked. Then add olive oil and butter together, make it so that the pasta is really slimy. Then sprinkle greek oregano and thyme on the pasta. It is a pretty simple meal but it's good!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Service Berries!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
My First Burger!!!
Yesterday I had my first burger!!! Well kind of... It was a make your own burger at this awesome place called THE COUNTER!!! (heres the link)
So, the concept was that basically you would go there get a seat (as normal) and get a menu (as normal), but the menu would have some attached paper on it and would be like this (just a snippet of what would be the menu):
Step #3
Onions Lettuce Tomatoes
or something like that and then you would check it of like this
Onions Lettuce x Tomatoes
But, there would be many steps and more choices!!!
This is what I had:
Original Hamburger Bun
Carrot Strings
Onion Rings
Sprouts (but I didn't eat them 'cuz they were yucky!!!)
It was really yummy and even though I don't know how to make the recipe I definitely recommend The Counter as a great place to eat!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Refreshing Lime drink!!
Last night I made this REALLY refreshing lime drink!!! Its great because if your really tired then just make one of these and TA-DA!!!! Your not tired anymore!!! It is great also if your hot and sweaty 'cause then it really refreshens you up!!!
It is quite simple how you make it but I'll tell you anyway!!!
Here's How You Make it:
Fill your glass 2/3s of the way up with fizzy water, then pour a long pour of lime juice. Mix in about 3 1/2 - 4 spoons-ish of sugar
Friday, June 12, 2009
Strawberry and Lime Summer Drink
This is a really great drink I wanted to show you. I actually made the recipe by myself (don't worry it's not gonna explode in your mouth, I've tried it!!!)!!! It is a sour but sweet at the same time drink, for it has strawberries and sugar with lime juice and fizzy water!!!
Here's How You Make It:
Liquidize 5 strawberries with 1/3 of a cup of lime juice. Add 4 1/2 spoonfuls of sugar. Pour some of the mixture in a cup you drink out of and make sure it fills up until it is about up to 2/3 of the cup. Then pour in fizzy water till the cup is full (1/3 of the cup). The last ingredient you will add to this drink is a teaspoon and 1/2 of mint infused syrup!!! The picture above all of these boring words is a picture of the drink when you have just pour the fizzy water!!! You can also (for looks) add a strawberry at the edge of the cup!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Chicken Piccata!!!
Chicken Piccata is really the best meal ever!!!! Well at least I think it is... It has the best taste ever! The sauce is spectacular! The sauce has a tangy taste but, with the chicken is wonderful!!!
Here's How You Make It:
Flatten boneless skinless chicken breasts to about half an inch thickness (I put them in a ziploc bag and beat with a rolling pin hee hee hee!!!) Dip the chicken in seasoned flour, then beaten egg, then breadcrumbs. Fry in olive oil until brown-ish on both sides, and then place on a baking sheet in a pre heated oven (about 350). Meanwhile cook some spaghetti as usual (I'm assuming you know how to cook pasta if you don't, well...) Clean out your frying pan using paper towels. Melt one tablespoon of butter in pan, add 1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice and 1/2 cup of white wine. Simmer until reduced by about half. Take off the heat and then swirl in two more tablespoons of butter until its all combined. Serve the pasta and chicken with the sauce on the side.
If your a grown up (like me, 'cause this is being typed by Isobel's mum 'cause she's too lazy to type this much (HEY, izz!) (although I promise that Isobel can cook this recipe almost by herself (you mean by herself, izz))) I have the chicken with a green salad tossed with a lemon vinaigrette (lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper) with parmesan cheese on top.
P.S I did edit and add funny parts!!! (izz)
Just Tomatoes is a great brand they make dried fruits and veggies! (they don't just make tomatoes) I love the brand soooooooooooooooo much even if i just eat the strawberries, pomegranate, and blueberries!!! There sooooooooo wonderful to eat as a snack, but you can add them to a yogurt to if you want!!!!
Bread Dipped in a Olive Oil-y Sauce
So, for lunch yesterday, I didn't know what to have. So, I remembered this recipe I had made up a bit ago, and made it(just to tell you this isn't my WHOLE lunch I ate some other random things too)! It is a very easy thing to cook and you can use it as a appetizer or as a side dish to a lunch , too! The dish is...
Bread Dipped in Olive Oil-y Sauce
Here's How You Make it:
Cut a loaf of Italian/Country (what I suggest the types) bread into biggish square-ish pieces. Put about 4 dollops of olive oil in a bowl. Chop up a clove of garlic. Find 4 leaves of rosemary. Cut a lemon in half. Squeeze the juice into the olive oil. Put the rosemary leaves in the olive oil. Put the garlic in the olive oil. Let it sit there for 10 minutes. When 10 minutes is done you can EAT!!!
By now you have probably realized that... i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv garlic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Garlic Chicken Pot Pie with Asparagus!!!
This is a awesome new meal I want to show you... GARLIC CHICKEN POT PIE WITH ASPARAGUS!!! Even though its is the second time I've eaten it, I THINK IT IS THE BEST MEAL EVER!!! It has my favorite food in it... garlic!!! It has a taste I could never begin to describe, it is so wonderful!
Here's how you make it:
Put some asparagus on baking tray (remember to break off the ends of them). Dollop a small amount of olive oil on top of them. Use your hands to cover the asparagus in the olive oil. Sprinkle some salt on them. If you think you can cook the rest of this meal in 10 minutes (I do not advise this) then put the asparagus in right away, if not wait until at least halfway through cooking other part of meal. Put the asparagus in for 10 minutes at about 400 degrees. Melt butter with olive oil in a saucepan. Chop up 1-2 cloves of garlic. Chop up 2 chicken breasts in to bite sized pieces. Get a sprig of thyme and take off all the leaves. When the butter and olive oil starts to bubble up, put in the chicken, garlic, and thyme. Once, the chicken is cooked a bit, put in some chicken stock and a mixture of corn starch and water. Pour in the corn starch and water slowly, seeing how much you actually need. Stir occasionally. To see if chicken is done poke a fork in some of the big bits. Oh, and i forgot before you do any of this put in the puff pastry shells, cook for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. Then your basically done. If you want more you an buy frozen french fries to add on to the meal.
I hope you enjoy the meal! (if you cook it...)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Noo Noos!!!
This is a new meal I will show you, I had it for lunch yesterday! Now you probably all know what NOODLES are... right? Well these are not NOODLES there are NOO NOOS!!! There are 2 pictures above one is of the brand and the other is of the meal. But, if you REALLY want to try NOO NOOS then you have to buy the exact brand (Top Ramen, Oodles of Noodles but there actually NOO NOOS!), got it?! Now, I normally have my NOO NOOS plain because i like them that way, but you can buy any flavor you want! This, is the short story of why they are NOO NOOS NOT NOODLES!
My sister couldn't pronounce noodles when she was young.
This is how you make NOO NOOS!
Boil 2 cups of water. Add NOO NOOS, break the NOO NOOS up if you want. Cook for 3 mins or more, stirring when you think it needs to be stirred. Remove from the HOT HOT heat. If you want, stir in the flavor from flavor packet.
My sisters fave flavoring is CHICKEN (at least i think), but, you can use a different flavor if you want.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Chicken in Garlic!
This is the first real post of this blog! It is a post about the meal Chicken in Garlic!
Chicken in garlic has a spectacular taste!!! Since I love garlic so much, it adds on to the taste of the chicken and penne pasta. This is one of my favorite meals, and I encourage you to try it. But if you're vegetarian, then you can look at the other recipes I guess, which I'll put on later.
Heres how you make it!!!
Squash the chicken breast flat, using a ziploc bag and a rolling pin. Chop a clove of garlic into small bits. Melt butter and garlic in a frying pan. Add the chopped garlic, then add the chicken breast. Salt the chicken. Fry on both sides till cooked. Meanwhile cook the penne pasta in boiling water like usual. Then you're DONE!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Beginning this blog...
Hello everyone who is reading this blog right this second,
My name is Isobel (but you can call me Izz), and I am the author of The Food I Eat. This is a blog about everything interesting that I eat. Right now, I'm gonna tell you how these posts will be set up: Firstly there will be a picture of what I ate, then a brief description, a short recipe and why i liked it or why I didn't! Now, if you are a chef or someone who likes food, then good, you will probably like this blog! But, if your some weird skater dude then you might wanna find a different page on the WORLD WIDE WEB to look at!
Peace 'n Love Izz
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